StormLib API Reference



bool WINAPI SFileGetFileInfo(
  HANDLE hMpqOrFile,                // Handle to a file or archive
  SFileInfoClass InfoClass,         // Type of information to retrieve
  void * pvFileInfo,                // Pointer to the buffer where to store the result information
  DWORD cbFileInfo,                 // Size of the buffer pointed by pvFileInfo
  LPDWORD pcbLengthNeeded           // Size, in bytes, required to store information to pvFileInfo

Function SFileGetFileInfo retrieves an information about an open MPQ archive or a file.


[in] Handle to an open file or to an open MPQ archive, depending on the value of dwInfoType.
[in] Type of information to retrieve. See Return Value for more information.
[in, out] Pointer to buffer where to store the required information.
[in] Size of the buffer pointed by pvFileInfo.
[out] Size, in bytes, needed/used to store the information. When this parameter is not NULL, the size needed/used is always stored, regardless of values in pvFileInfo and cbFileInfo.

Return Value

When the function succeeds, it returns true. On an error, the function returns false and GetLastError returns error code. The following return codes might be returned, in this order of check:

The following table shows the possible type of information that are obtainable by SFileGetFileInfo:

Value of InfoClass Handle type pvFileInfo points to Returned information
SFileMpqFileName Archive handle Array of TCHARs Full path name of the MPQ archive
SFileMpqUserDataOffset Archive handle 64-bit integer Offset of the user data header, relative to the begin of the file. Only returned if the archive has user data.
SFileMpqUserDataHeader Archive handle TMPQUserData User data header.
SFileMpqUserData Archive handle Array of BYTEs MPQ User data as array of bytes.
SFileMpqHeaderOffset Archive handle 64-bit integer Offset of the MPQ header, relative to the begin of the file.
SFileMpqHeaderSize Archive handle 32-bit integer Size of the MPQ header, in bytes. If StormLib detected a malformed MPQ and was able to fix the header size, this is the fixed value. For unfixed value, use SFileMpqHeaderOffset.
SFileMpqHeader Archive handle TMPQHeader The MPQ header. Note that the MPQ header is returned as-is, including possible malformed information created by various MPQ protectors.
SFileMpqHetTableOffset Archive handle 64-bit integer Offset of the HET table, relative to the MPQ header. If the HET table is not present, the functions fills-in zero.
SFileMpqHetTableSize Archive handle 64-bit integer Compressed size of the HET table, in bytes. If the HET table is not present, the functions fills-in zero.
SFileMpqHetHeader Archive handle TMPQHetHeader HET table header. Only returned if the HET table is present in the archive.
SFileMpqHetTable Archive handle Pointer to TMPQHetTable HET table, given as pointer to table allocated and loaded by StormLib. The caller needs to free the returned buffer using SFileFreeFileInfo(SFileMpqHetTable, *pvFileData). Only returned if the HET table is present in the archive.
SFileMpqBetTableOffset Archive handle 64-bit integer Offset of the BET table, relative to the MPQ header. If the BET table is not present, the functions fills-in zero.
SFileMpqBetTableSize Archive handle 64-bit integer Compressed size of the BET table, in bytes. If the BET table is not present, the functions fills-in zero.
SFileMpqBetHeader Archive handle TMPQBetHeader BET table header. Only returned if the BET table is present in the archive. If the caller specifies buffer size that corresponds to sizeof(TMPQBetHeader) + NumberOfFlags * sizeof(DWORD), then the function also copies the array of MPQ file flags of files that are present in the archive.
SFileMpqBetTable Archive handle Pointer to TMPQBetTable BET table, given as pointer to table allocated and loaded by StormLib. The caller needs to free the returned buffer using SFileFreeFileInfo(SFileMpqBetTable, *pvFileData). Only returned if the BET table is present in the archive.
SFileMpqHashTableOffset Archive handle 64-bit integer Offset to the hash table, relative to the MPQ header.
SFileMpqHashTableSize64 Archive handle 64-bit integer Compressed size of the hash table, in bytes.
SFileMpqHashTableSize Archive handle 32-bit integer Size of the hash table, in entries.
SFileMpqHashTable Archive handle Array of TMPQHash Retrieves the hash table.
SFileMpqBlockTableOffset Archive handle 64-bit integer Offset to the block table, relative to the MPQ header.
SFileMpqBlockTableSize64 Archive handle 64-bit integer Compressed size of the block table, in bytes.
SFileMpqBlockTableSize Archive handle 32-bit integer Size of the block table, in entries. If the size has been fixed by StormLib, this info class returns the fixed size.
SFileMpqBlockTable Archive handle Array of TMPQBlock Retrieves the block table.
SFileMpqHiBlockTableOffset Archive handle 64-bit integer Offset of the hi-block table, relative to the MPQ header. If the hi-block table is not present, the function gives zero.
SFileMpqHiBlockTableSize64 Archive handle 64-bit integer Compressed size of the hi-block table. If the hi-block table is not present, the function gives zero.
SFileMpqHiBlockTable Archive handle USHORT [] Not implemented.
SFileMpqSignatures Archive handle 32-bit integer Retrieves types of signature that is contained in the archive. Valid combinations are SIGNATURE_TYPE_WEAK and SIGNATURE_TYPE_STRONG.
SFileMpqStrongSignatureOffset Archive handle 64-bit integer Offset of the strong signature, relative to the begin of the file. If the strong signature is not present, function ends with ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND.
SFileMpqStrongSignatureSize Archive handle 32-bit integer Size of the strong signature, in bytes. If the strong signature is not present, function ends with ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND.
SFileMpqStrongSignature Archive handle Array of BYTEs Retrieves the strong MPQ signature, including the "NGIS" header. If the strong signature is not present, function ends with ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND.
SFileMpqBitmapOffset Archive handle 64-bit integer Offset of the MPQ data bitmap, relative to the begin of the file. If the MPQ does not contain a bitmap, function ends with ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND.
SFileMpqBitmapSize Archive handle 32-bit integer Size of the MPQ data bitmap, in bytes. If the MPQ does not contain a bitmap, function ends with ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND.
SFileMpqBitmap Archive handle Array of BYTEs The MPQ bitmap. The bitmap header is at the begin of the block, followed by the bit array. If the MPQ does not contain a bitmap, function ends with ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND.
SFileMpqArchiveSize64 Archive handle 64-bit integer 64-bit size of the archive. Note that this value may be subject to malformed changes by a MPQ protecting software.
SFileMpqArchiveSize Archive handle 32-bit integer 32-bit size of the archive. Note that this value may be subject to malformed changes by a MPQ protecting software.
SFileMpqMaxFileCount Archive handle 32-bit integer Current limit for number of files in the archive.
SFileMpqFileTableSize Archive handle 32-bit integer Current size of the file table, in entries.
SFileMpqFileTableSize Archive handle 32-bit integer Current size of the file table.
SFileMpqSectorSize Archive handle 32-bit integer Size of one file sector, in bytes.
SFileMpqNumberOfFiles Archive handle 32-bit integer Number of files in the archive.
SFileMpqRawChunkSize Archive handle 32-bit integer Size of raw MPQ chunk, in bytes. If the MPQ does not support raw chunks, the functions ends up with ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND.
SFileMpqStreamFlags Archive handle 32-bit integer Stream flags of the file stream that represents source of the MPQ archive.
SFileMpqIsReadOnly Archive handle 32-bit integer The returned integer is nonzero if the archive is reaf only.
SFileInfoPatchChain File handle Array of TCHARs Multi-string value of all patches that contain the opened file, beginning with base MPQ and containing full path names of each patch archive where the incremental patch file exists.
SFileInfoFileEntry File handle TFileEntry TFileEntry for the open file. The file name (if exists) follows after the file entry. The szFileName member of the structure points to buffer right after the fiel entry structure.
SFileInfoHashEntry File handle TMPQHash Hash table entry for the file.
SFileInfoHashIndex File handle 32-bit integer Index in the hash table where the file entry is.
SFileInfoNameHash1 File handle 32-bit integer The first hash of the file name.
SFileInfoNameHash2 File handle 32-bit integer The second hash of the file name.
SFileInfoNameHash3 File handle 64-bit integer 64-bit Jenkins hash of the file name, used for searching in the HET table.
SFileInfoLocale File handle 32-bit integer Locale info of the file.
SFileInfoFileIndex File handle 32-bit integer Index in the file table of the file.
SFileInfoByteOffset File handle 64-bit integer Offset of the file in the MPQ, relative to the MPQ header.
SFileInfoFileTime File handle 64-bit integer File date and time, in the format of FILETIME.
SFileInfoFileSize File handle 32-bit integer Uncompressed file size of the file, in bytes.
SFileInfoCompressedSize File handle 32-bit integer Compressed file size of the file, in bytes.
SFileInfoFlags File handle 32-bit integer File flags for the file within MPQ. See MPQ_FILE_xxx for mre information.
File handle 32-bit integer Encryption key for the file.


This function doesn't support local files open by SFileOpenFileEx.

Availability in Storm.dll

Available in Storm.dll No
Ordinal number in Storm.dll 1.00 N/A
Ordinal number in Storm.dll 1.09 N/A